
What is electromagnetic stress?

The term electromagnetic stress (Electro Magnetic Frequency Stress – EMF Stress – E/M Stress) or otherwise electromagnetic pollution is due to electromagnetic radiation that may come from the external E/M cloud, which is created by antennas (television, mobile phones), radars, pylons, electricity substations, train and trolley lines and from UMTS (wireless data transfer networks, which are very powerful).

It is also caused by household E/M pollution, i.e. all household electrical appliances, cordless phones, mobile phones, wireless intercom.

The human body is a receiver, producer, relay, good conductor of heat and electricity which means that it is greatly affected by electromagnetic changes.

The change of the Earth’s magnetic field from 7.83 Hz which is the normal one, for example to 250 Hz when crossing groundwater at a depth of 200 to 500 meters.

The changes in our planet have brought about dramatic changes in living beings and as long as the electromagnetic field of the earth changes, so the risks will increase for the state of human health.
These risks have to do with the weakening of the immune system, minimal resistance to viruses and bacteria and a wide range of psychosomatic conditions that lead the body to chronic and degenerative diseases.

The predominant disease states observed by scientists from earlier years were forms of cancer in people who slept in areas with underground water.